Made in Europe



For PriLite boats, the ABS-combination plates, sealed with UV-resistant perspex, are pulled into the hot moulds, which have a temperature of approximately 80 degrees, in a computerized process, using heat and vacuum. The upper and lower parts of the boat are inseparably joined together by a double-sided U-profile. This profile additionally strengthens the sides of the kayak against impact. The mounting of deck mountings and interior fittings are thoroughly done by hand, as on all Prijon boats. Advantages: PriLite boats are approx. 20% lighter than comparable kayaks made of HTP. At the same time there is a clear advantage regarding stability compared to GFK or Carbon/Aramide.
Repairs/Care: Superficial scratches can be polished off with a special paste, available in specialized shops. Larger repairs are made with Epoxi. The inside of the boat should not be permanently exposed to sun (store upside down!).

+ Lighter than HTP
+ More sturdy than GRP/Carbon Aramide
+ Optical highlight because of the metallic surface
-  More susceptible to mechanical stress than HTP